
The Lordship of Trans-Issalania

The Lordship of Trans-Issalania

Omschrijving:Plattegrond van Zwolle en omgeving, gebieden zijn Salland, Bentheim, Drenthe en Twente. Achterzijde: The Lordship of Trans-Issulania. / An excellent Geographer, Everard Bronckorst a Lawyer and Professor at Leiden; also Ortuinus Gracius, Ioannes Dorrius, Iohn Sinthemius, and Rodolphus Pythopaeus, and others. It is now the chiefe Citie of the Ansuaerians, whon they commonly call Anse Steden. Campi is on the left hand bancke of the River Isela, not farre from the mouth thereof, being foure miles distent from Daventria. This Cities is also very large, lying lenghtways, and hath faire houses in it: here Albertus Pighius was bone, also Iohn Campensis a Divine, Harmanus Cruserus a Physithian, and Theodore Peter were borne heere. Heretofore it was more famous for merchandising in reganrd of the depth of the Haven than it is now. Swolla is a pleasant Cittie, and fortified with an double ditch. It hath on one side of the River Isela, on the other Vetchta, which are not farre from it. There are also other lesser walled towns: as Volenhovia by the Lake Flevum, Steenvicum by the River Aa, and Hasseletum by the River Vidrum or Vechta. Also Oetmersia and Oldensalia, the last of which is an auncient Towne of the Salians, which Baldericke of Ultrajectum walled about, and did found there a Colledge of Cannons.
Bron:Collectie Overijssel
Locaties:Zwolle, [geen straatnaam]
Collectie:Beeldbank Collectie Overijssel